If you struggle with grief from the loss of a loved one, you are not alone. St. Anthony's wants you to know we are here for you during this tragic time. We'd like to cordially invite you to our bereavement group (check the bulletin for dates) in the school building. Come listen to how others within our community cope with their grief and share how you're feeling.
If interested, please contact Nancy Jalowiecki Sullivan at [email protected].
Friars Basketball is back! Boys and girls can now join St. Anthony's basketball team, the Friars! If your child does not know how to play basketball but wants to learn, we host several camps and clinics throughout the year to teach children. Check the calendar for our next camp/clinic!
If interested, please contact Scott Furletti at [email protected].
There are senior citizens in our community who can't come to Mass and are seeking companionship. If you are a good listener and want to help these seniors feel less lonely, consider joining St. Anthony's Good Samaritan ministry.
If interested, please contact Maria Pippi-Lane at [email protected].
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization with thousands of councils from all over the world. Any man who loves Jesus and wants to serve others is invited to join St. Anthony's council. Opportunities include fellowship and supporting charitable projects.
If interested, please contact Edward Durfee by calling 201-575-6923.
St. Anthony's is calling for parishioners to help Fr. Carlos advertise the events of the parish. The responsibilities would include communicating with newspapers, magazines, radio, and television so that more people in Northvale and the surrounding neighborhoods can learn about St. Anthony's.
If interested, please contact Gloria Maccaroni at [email protected].
As Catholics, we are called to defend the lives of the voiceless. That's why we are seeking leaders to make our parish community more aware of the Catholic Church's teaching on pro-life issues, such as abortion, mercy killing, and capital punishment. Responsibilities would include planning events with Fr. Carlos.
If interested, please contact Fr. Carlos at [email protected] or call 201-768-1177.
Every Wednesday at 7 p.m., parishioners gather to pray the Holy Rosary for their special intentions. Please join us in this special dedication to Mother Mary!
If interested, please contact David Hubert by calling 201-563-9503.
St. Anthony's is seeking parishioners to set up and serve during funeral Masses. Responsibilities include lighting the incense and putting out the sacred vessels, the holy water, and the pall. If trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you will also be asked to distribute Holy Communion. Training for the role will be provided.
If interested, please contact Maria Pippi-Lane at [email protected] or call 551-404-3576.
We are seeking individuals to organize events and run breakfasts and lunches for the seniors at St. Anthony's.
If interested, please contact Fr. Carlos at [email protected] or call 201-768-1177.
We are calling youth and adults to join technology ministry, which includes running the live stream camera or controlling the slideshows that display songs and lyrics to follow. No experience is required, and you will be trained for the role. Become this important part of Mass today!
If interested, please contact Fr. Carlos at [email protected] or call 201-768-1177.
Every summer, St. Anthony's hosts Vacation Bible School for students who have completed grades K-6. It's a great way for children to stay busy during the summer and learn about their faith!
We are also seeking adult volunteers to help in this ministry. There are many ways to lend a hand. Interested adults will need Protecting God's Children training before the event takes place. Students who have completed grades 7 and up can participate as camp volunteers—great for those looking for community service hours.
Registration opens up in the winter/early spring. Donations are accepted and will go towards sponsoring families experiencing financial hardship, needed materials and so forth. You can direct any questions to Jen Rodriguez by emailingWe are always updating the parish website and are seeking individuals to provide input. Responsibilities may include creating graphics, updating the calendar, managing a blog, and more.
If interested, please contact Jenny Hubert at [email protected] or call 201-961-2409. You may also contact Bill Barakat at [email protected] or call 201-290-3908.
St. Anthony's is calling all teenagers 13+ to join youth ministry. Meetings will include games, music, prayer, snacks, and fellowship. We are also seeking adults to chaperone these meetings. Interested adults will need Protecting God's Children training before joining.
If interested, please contact our youth minister, Jen Rodriguez, at youthgroup@stanthonysnv.org or call 201-245-0072.
St. Anthony's is calling all youth from ages 20 to 40 to join our young adult ministry. The ministry meets every three weeks on Thursdays at 8 p.m., and meetings include Bible meditations, faith sharing, games, and social events.
If interested, please contact Jenny Hubert at [email protected], or call 201-961-2409.