The Sacrament of Reconciliation brings a change of heart through God’s mercy. It is also known as Confession or Penance, created by Jesus Christ in His mercy to forgive an individual for all sins committed against God.
In second grade, children will prepare for their First Holy Communion by participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you are interested in preparing your child for this sacrament for the first time, please register your child in faith formation or contact Krizia Sungu at [email protected].
If you are an adult interested in receiving the sacrament for the first time, please contact Tolga Sungu at [email protected].
As Catholics, we believe becoming absolved of our sins solidifies our union with God and encourages us to live as better Christians. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states serious sins must be confessed at least once a year, though some Catholics go more often to receive the forgiveness of God.
Before entering the confessional, Catholics should perform an examination of conscience in which they recognize their sins and failures to trust in God. For resources on how to make a good confession, click here.