St. Anthony's Church seeks faith-centered individuals to lead Bible study meetings aimed at helping parishioners learn more about God. Leaders can suggest their own material or follow a planned study from Fr. Carlos.
If interested, please contact Beverly Delaney by calling 201-341-0663.
Religious education is important for our youth so that we may continue to spread the Word of God and carry it to the next generation. Therefore, we are seeking catechists (faith formation teachers) to instruct children once a week during the school year. Instruction materials will be provided for teachers. Interested adults will need Protecting God's Children training before joining.
If interested, please contact the director of religious education, Anna Vero, at [email protected] or call 201-768-1177.
We know married couples and families sacrifice a lot and work hard to follow the faith. Therefore, St. Anthony's offers education enrichment and parish-based programs about marriage and family life to encourage growth within this community. We need individualists to support family life at the parish by leading these marriage and family ministry programs.
If interested, please contact Josephine Guzman by calling 917-541-5033.
RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Every year, St. Anthony's is happy to invite more adults who are not in full Communion with God into the Catholic Church. Therefore, we need faith-centered individuals to guide RCIA candidates through receiving the sacraments for the first time. Teachers will assist the coordinator with Bible meditations and educating candidates about the Catechism.
If interested, please contact Nancy Lorenzini at [email protected] or call 201-768-1177.